How to Make Nixtamalize Maize to Make Tortillas

No more store-bought tortillas! Learn to nixtamalize maize from the comfort of your own home and get ready to cook the best homey and hearty corn tortillas by combining pickling lime, water, and white corn kernels. Made from scratch corn tortillas have never been this easy!
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  • Error in CompositeNameEnglish::ingredient NIL
  • Error in CompositeNameEnglish::ingredient NIL
  • Error in CompositeNameEnglish::ingredient NIL
  • Error in CompositeNameEnglish::ingredient NIL
12h 30 mins
30 mins
  • In a bowl, add pickling lime and a little bit of water to heat pickling lime up.
  • In a large pot, add white corn kernels, water, and heated up pickling lime. Cook for 30 minutes. Skim scum off.
  • Turn off heat and let sit for 12 hours or overnight.
  • Rinse corn kernels.
  • In a food processor, metate (mealing stone), or grinder, grind nixtamalized corn until a pliable dough is obtained.

Nutritional information

* * Information per 100g serving, percent daily values based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
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